
Franklin Middle School Testing Schedule and Information

Standardized testing provides information about student achievement. Scores from the tests will be used to determine whether students fail to meet standards, are proficient in meeting the standards, or are advanced in the standards.

Grade Level Content Areas to be Tested

7  Reading and Mathematics

8  Reading, Mathematics, and Science

A few items to note related to testing:

  • If a student is absent on their testing day, makeup tests can occur throughout the testing window.  
  • Once all tests are complete, there is a retake window for any student whose first attempt score is in the 375-399 range. Parents must provide permission for the student to retake the test.
  • Local alternative assessments have been approved by the state of Virginia in Grade 7 History, Grade 8 Writing and Grade 8 Civics and Economics. Teachers will be using an alternative assessment in those classes in lieu of an SOL test. Those assessments occur within the classroom setting throughout the second semester.

If you have any questions regarding testing, please contact Franklin’s school test coordinator, April Brown.

Electronic Device Policy

VDOE and Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) have an electronic device policy which is to be followed during all SOL testing. To maintain test security, the possession of these devices (e.g., cell phones/mobile communication devices) in the testing room is prohibited.  If a student is discovered with a prohibited electronic device while in a test environment, the student’s test will be stopped, the electronic device will be confiscated, and the student will be removed from the test environment.  School administrators, consistent with the Acceptable Use Policy and Student Rights & Responsibilities, have authority to search the “item of personal belonging” (e.g., the cell phone or mobile device) if it is believed to contain evidence of a violation of school regulations (in this case, cheating).  School administrators have the right to apply school-based consequences based upon their investigation of the situation.  Please talk to your student about the electronic device policy and the serious consequences of violating it.

Student Testing Coordinator

April Brown