A great trip to the watershed!

October 09, 2024

Franklin Middle School’s MWEE Adventure at Cub Run ReCenter

From September 30 to October 2, students from Franklin Middle School took part in an exciting trip to the Cub Run ReCenter for a Meaningful Watershed Experience (MWEE). Led by our dedicated science teachers, this adventure helped students learn about the local environment in Northern Virginia. Click here to see a slideshow video!

A Dynamic Natural Classroom

Just before our trip, the area had experienced heavy rainfall, making the Cub Run stream lively and full. The sound of rushing water filled the air as students arrived, eager to explore. With their teachers guiding them, they discovered how rain affects local ecosystems and why it’s important to keep our watersheds healthy.

Hands-On Learning and Data Collection

One of the best parts of the trip was the chance to get hands-on experience. Students participated in activities that allowed them to collect data about plants and animals.

  • Exploring Plants: Students identified different native plants and learned how they help clean our water and provide homes for animals.
  • Animal Investigations: Using nets, students caught tiny creatures in the stream, like macroinvertebrates. These little animals are great indicators of water quality, and observing them helped students connect what they learn in the classroom to real-life situations.

Teamwork and Falcon Spirit

The MWEE trip was also about teamwork. Students engaged in group activities that encouraged them to communicate and work together. They shared their discoveries and talked about environmental challenges, brainstorming ways to protect our local waters.

As they moved through the stream and trails, the energy was infectious. With the spirit of our school mascot, the falcon, soaring high, students felt inspired to be curious and adventurous in nature.

Reflecting on the Journey

At the end of the trip, students gathered to share their favorite moments. From spotting unique wildlife to tackling challenges as a team, each student had a story to tell. This reflection not only reinforced what they learned but also inspired a commitment to protect the environment.

Looking Forward

The MWEE experience at Cub Run ReCenter was more than just a field trip; it was a chance for personal growth and environmental awareness. The lessons learned during these days will stick with the students, motivating them to take care of their local ecosystems.

As Franklin Middle School continues to promote a love for nature through hands-on experiences like this, our students are sure to become informed and responsible guardians of the planet. With a gallery full of images capturing the excitement of the trip, this adventure will be remembered for years to come, reminding everyone of the beauty and importance of our natural surroundings.