Stress Less, Laugh More 2025

March 13, 2025

Stress Less, Laugh More Week 2025 will feature 5 awesome days of celebration.

Check out our website: 

APRIL 7TH is Music Monday. Music is powerful and can help us feel calmer, more relaxed and even more motivated! 

WEAR: Favorite band or singer

APRIL 8TH TAKE A TRIP TUESDAY Take an “Imagination Vacation" by temporarily blocking your mind from thinking about the cause of the stress. 

WEAR: Vacation gear

APRIL 9TH ANIMAL WEDNESDAY Spending time with animals can help comfort us when we feel worried or stressed. 

WEAR: Animal print from head to toe


Exercise pumps up your endorphins which can boost positive emotions. It can also help you sleep, which reduces stress. Get ready for the basketball game...beat Rocky! 

WEAR: FMS or basketball gear

APRIL 11TH FUN FRIDAY: LAUGH MORE& GET SOME SLEEP THIS WEEKEND! Laughter can relax your muscles, reduce stress hormones, and improve your mood! Getting more rest can significantly decrease cortisol levels and restore balance to the body's systems.

WEAR: Pajamas

Stress Less, Laugh More Week